Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) describes any deliberate, non-medical removal or cutting of the female genitalia.
The World Health Organization describes FGM as any procedure that injures the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It has no health benefits and is in fact very harmful to health in many ways.
The importance of female pleasure has always been at the forefront of Coco de Mer’s values and FGM is a direct disabler of this pleasure. We hope that by using our platform, we can make people really listen to what is still happening around the world to so many girls. We need to break the silence and educate everyone.
Here is a film we worked on with Desert Flower Foundation and Rankin to draw attention to the issue:
Note from our CEO
I had heard of FGM, but it was reading Waris Dirie’s books a few years ago that brought home the horror of what was happening to so many girls around the world and inspired me to want to do whatever I could to help. Initially, I got in touch with Waris Dirie through her Desert Flower Foundation, and we hatched a plan to work together to raise awareness and funds. We produced a photoshoot and film with the photographer Rankin and hosted some events to drive the message home. Through this collaboration, I met more brilliant activists who have dedicated their lives to fighting to end this horrific practice.
Education is key to making a change. I believe that corporate partnerships provide a valuable way of speaking to new audiences, using combined platforms for a wider reach, bringing a greater awareness of this inhumane practice and pushing towards change.
FGM is about power and control. Control over women, over their bodies, over their sexuality. I absolutely believe that a woman must have the right to choose what happens to her own body. Body autonomy is a fundamental human right for all women, no matter where they are from or where they live.
21 in every 1000 women in London are victims of FGM. This is a global problem, and until all women have access to education and independence, they will not be in a position to stand up to these harmful traditions. We need education to empower girls and educate boys to help change the culture.
A shared purpose unites us all, the basic fundamental human right a woman has over her own body.
Below is a list of NGOs and activists that we support - please take a moment to look through their websites, understand more about this horrific practice and see how you can help: